
Trip Advisor Integration

trip advisor integration

Customers trust information shared by other customers. With in-depth reviews and comparison, we empower customers to make a data driven, informed decision. Further leverage the service experience for your customers through integrations with some of the biggest content providers, comparison tools and currency exchange with OTRAMS.

Trip Advisor Integration, User Reviews, OTRAMS
94% of buy decisions are influenced by Customer Reviews and Comparisons.

OTRAMS, trip advisor integration adds user reviews in the system. Order listings of the hotels in search results by rating. Customers will also be able to read reviews immediately before making a booking and make a more informed choice based on real reviews from customers.

OTRAMS offers integration with popular services like Trip Advisor and Trust You in addition to the capability of adding native customer reviews and updates on the platform.

For more information, you can schedule a quick consultation with our experts, at this link.



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